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Voogt Farms

Registered Angus Cattle

Savanna Goats

We originally got into the registered meat goat business after reviewing data that suggested introducing goats to the cow pasture actually increased the amount of forage available to the cattle as the goats ate only the competing weeds and brush, providing more sunlight and moisture to the grass.

A few years ago we transitioned from the original Boer goats to the present Savanna goat. These goats also originated in South Africa, and are pure white with a black skin. They have given us a better mothering ability, parasite resistance, and more muscle. They have been described as the “Angus of the meat goats”.

Our Savanna goats have evolved into 3 distinct markets

  • Registered doe and buck seed stock
  • 4-H Projects
  • Wholesome, lean meat for ethnic friends

To learn more about these interesting animals, please feel free to visit any time. Also, visit the Savanna goat registry at www.pedigreeinternational.com.

    savannah goats at voogt farms
    boys and baby goats
    high cotton